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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Meatballs Spaghetti and Prego sauce on the Counter Literally. Nope Nope Nope

There are many hacks and tricks to making a dish. Take spaghetti with meatballs. There are lots of ways to make this iconic dish And there are lots of interesting ways to serve the meal. One lady has taken presentation of the food to quite the extreme. I frankly do not endorse this idea but, whatever floats your boat.

So the nuts and bolts of this is quite simple.  Lisa, the person in the video cooks up meatballs and spaghetti.  She then puts sauce, Prego, on the counter, then the meatballs, then cooked spaghetti with parmesan cheese and yes lettuce and bread and then she mixes the spaghetti with the sauce and chees and leaves the bread and salad on the sides of the counter.  

Now my assumption is that the counter is cleaned and that guests get plates and utensils and scoop the meal on to the plates.  At least I would hope that is what they would do.  I would also assume that Lisa has washed her hands before handling the food.

None the less this video is kind of interesting and icky at the same time.  The Toronto Sun carried the story complete with video on May 18th in the weird news section of the online edition.  

I like being different, but I will pass on this idea.

Cliff T.

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