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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Derelict - Montreal's Tech Death Metal Band

First and foremost lets be clear, I am not a fan of the genre.  But, you have to admit death metal does have some appeal.  The attraction is in the instrumentation of the music.  Death metal is not easy to play much less sing as the voice is pushed to the maximum due to the growling angry tone that underlines the music.  One band here in Montreal seems to have really done it's homework.

Derelict, Montreal's Technical Death Metal band really has it's act together.  I have to admit even though I am not a fan of the genre, as mentioned above, I was impressed at the disciplined way the music comes across.  It almost sounds like controlled anger mixed with chaos blended with musical skill.  Check them out I think you may find yourself taking a closer look at the band and the music.

Cliff T.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Montreal Casino

I just finished posting a Candid Conversation with a pro Handicapper from Docs Sports and thought well since I am touching on the subject of gambling I may as well set a link to a Montreal landmark of sorts.

That landmark is the Montreal Casino.  It's been around for quite some time and it does continue to be a draw so to speak for those looking for a chance to win big..  The site is operated 24/7 and features the usual games, slots and of course food and I think some entertainment for guests.

As mentioned in the Candid Conversations post one should not bet if you can not afford to lose the money you plunk down.  That said to find out more about Montreal's casino and the others that are located in Quebec you can start by logging onto the Montreal Casino site at for English and for those looking for the French version click this link,

Cliff T.