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Friday, October 22, 2021

Cadence / Marching Songs

In a recent post I discussed military drill, notably close order drill. In order to do the drill that is required military personnel do something called PT (physical training). Usually this involves the platoon or company doing things like push ups, crunches and you guessed it running or what are called forced marches. The forced march or run starts off with no gear on but eventually the members of the platoon or company wear the full kit and run or march. During these sessions something called cadence is called or sung. That is the left right left right command, or a song like I wanna be a drill instructor.
Other nations armed forces do have cadence / marching song, but the United States Marines are the most notable users of the sung cadence.  

One of the most famous dates back to the 1930's, ERIKA.  This marching song speaks of a soldier longing after his sweetheart, whose name of course is Erika.  Now I know this was a song sung by the Heer and SS but, having said this the song is well done.  I believe the tune is still sung by the modern German armed forces.  The point of the cadence / marching song is listed below.

A cadence / marching songs job or goal is to, lift the spirit of the platoon, unify them and instill pride in unit and of course country.  It's one thing to show you can fight, but being able to show your troops are fit and morale is high is another.  As we approach November and remember our fallen wounded and current serving members of the armed forces, we think of the times they sung these songs outside of the training while they marched into battle and I have to say I actually found it easier to do drill and march when I sung cadence in the Army Cadets.  

Every military has marching / cadence songs, I could spend hours finding them but here are a few links that did catch the eye, from the US, Canada Russian and Germany.

Cliff T.

For a complete list of Canadian Forces authorized marches visit Wikipedia.

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