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Saturday, April 3, 2021

Kitboga - The Dude with Shades Who Messes With Scammers

Kitboga, hmm interesting name.  This guy has been making life hell for scammers for quite some time.  The idea came to him after a family member got taken for a lot of money and he decided to see if he could beat them.  So he set up accounts on Youtube and Twitch and has been making fools of those who think they are getting a hit on a juicy target.

Over 1 million people follow Kitboga as he takes on those who are online trolling for victims. is the main site for Kitboga it links to his channels and he has garnered media attention.  CTV News featured him.  

Now before you think this is cool I want to try this DON'T.  Kitboga is an engineer by trade he knows computers inside and out and has skill that most people like you and I do not.  If you think there is a scam going on hang up can the professionals and practice safety online by doing the following.

1. Check with the CRA or IRS.   These government agencies don't call on you in the manner a scammer does.

2. Get a call from a person claiming to be from the bank, HANG UP.  Call the bank and check out the claim.  The same goes for calls from people claiming to be from a company like Bell or a tech support branch of a company.  They don't make calls, take it from a guy (me) who works on behalf of a tech company we don't do it it's a major no no and would lead to immediate dismissal if we did.  We only do when asked or on follow-up to an existing job we are working on.

3. Ah yes those emails and ads you get, you are a winner, you have a virus, this is XYZ company with important updates.  Never click the link and if you do do not put personal data in.  Look for extra charges and be aware that if it looks to good to be true, it's not.

4. Keep personal info off the socials addresses photos that show your address cute pics of the kids in identifiable locations near your home bad idea.  Sure we want to share our life story, just be careful of what you put online it can get you into trouble.

Kitboga's site is meant to teach us via humor how to stay ahead of the scammers in the immortal words of Pleakly from Lilo and Stitch "Educate yourself." Youtbe clip

Thanks for visiting Mixed Nuts.  I will add more content I promise so come back again soon.

Cliff T.

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