Ah yes Canada the true north strong and free. And the true north weird? Well yes we do have some weirdness in our home and native land. There is the fact that even though we are an independent country we still have a queen. Come on you have to admit that is kind of weird. But, it's a good weird. I found some other facts that I think you will find weird interesting, funny and unique. This is my way of saying Happy Canada day.
Did you know we have the longest highway in the world, yep the Trans Canada Highway is among the longest in the world, it covers all 10 provinces and spans about 5000 miles and Yonge Street is amongst the longest though it is not considered to be the longest in the world. These are known facts but I found some that are quite interesting. Here is a list of some interesting facts about Canada.
1. Nrarcisse MB, a place for snakes to get jiggy with it. Yep in May you can visiit this town and see snakes mating yep mating. About 70,000 are drawn to the town because it's cool and the soil is just right for you know getting it on. The New York Times has an article about this unique event Written by Ian Austin.
2. in 2018 the Canadian Govern confirmed that Santa Claus is a citizen of Canada. According to CTV News who contacted various agencies Mr. and Mrs. Claus are citizens of Canada and they do pay taxes according to the CRA,.
3. The X-Files probably did not cover this, but St. Paul AB is home to a UFO landing pad. https://www.stpaul.ca/UFO-Landing-Pad. Never been there but sounds like quite an interesting place to visit.
4. Wood Buffalo National Park, is home to bison and other animals is actually bigger than countries such as Denmark, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
5. Canadians are known for being polite and apologetic. Interestingly there are laws across Canada that cover apologies called Apology Acts, here is the link to Googles results for Apology Act.
These are just five I found yes a bit weird funny and education and all true. I found some links you can visit that have these and other facts about Canada.
Culture Trip
Sons of Norway https://www.sofn.com/blog/20-fun-facts-about-canada/
Hike Bike Travel
There are lots of other sites you can visit that have fun weird and true facts about Canada. Check them out and thanks again for visiting this Canadian bloggers site. It was fun putting this together for you.
Cliff T.